Tuesday, February 21, 2012

March Madness: Birthdays, Crafts, P.I.F.P., New Design, Button Swap, and More

Okay, so I've caught the "I'm excited for March!" bug. Everyone's been posting about all the awesome events, tutorials, and posts they've got lined up for March which got me started on all the things that I'll be dishing out in March.

The two biggest things I'm stressing out about right now for March are Chloe and Joey's birthdays. Chloe will be 4 on March 19th and it will be her last birthday before she starts school (which she's excited for). Joey also has a huge birthday: he's turning 30 on the 30th! I've already started planning for both because I hate having to rush at the last minute (which I always end up doing anyway). I'll be posting my ideas soon so I can get some input and tips from all you bloggers.

Moving on, I've got a bunch of different craft ideas running through my head lately and I've decided to try to do at least 2 craft tutorials every month. I've already written down a list of things I want to make (or try to make) and this also incorporates the Pay It Forward Project that I posted about on Valentine's day (here). So if you're one of my first 10 followers, be expecting to get one of these crafts sometime this year!

New Design
Also, I've been trying to find a new design for next month. I used to be pretty good at creating my own layouts and stuff, but then again, that was before kids, work, and school. I've told myself that starting in March I'll set aside a little time to work on a design for this blog and hopefully debut it sometime in March (which in all probability won't happen until maybe May). I'd appreciate any help/advice/tips you can give me!

Button Swap
For those who haven't noticed, I've added a "Love Me" tab to the blog, where you can find my button. Please feel free to add my button to your blog, and in return I will add yours to mine! I've already got a few buttons from blogs that I adore, and I recommend that you take a look at them!

And More!
So I've got (another) awesome idea that I'm hoping to get started on in March! I've always been a beach/ocean oriented kind of person. I could swim before I could walk, I paddled for 3 years, and I can just sit for hours staring out at the ocean. The beach is always where I felt calm and relaxed, it is my sanctuary. I cannot imagine myself growing up somewhere like Colorado or any other place not surrounded by the ocean.

So of course with my love for the ocean I was always collecting shells, rocks, beach glass, sand, and other things to make jewelry and crafts out of. Now that I'm older, I've realize what a lucrative business jewelry making is and have decided that I should try and make a business out of beachy jewelry. Now I know there are a lot of people out there who make the same kind of jewelry and stuff, but I also know that a lot of those same people buy their beach glass/shells/rocks from other places. While that may be a quick and easy way to create a lot of products, I want to try and make a product that has more meaning in it. It may take me a while longer to scour beaches for items, but it makes the finished product authentic and one-of-a-kind. I've also got a little surprise addition that I want to throw in once I've got a few pieces made. I'm sure I'll be posting about it soon because this is one project that I'm super excited about and I want to get started ASAP!

Now its YOUR turn! What are you looking forward to in March??


  1. Adding your button NOW...I'll be back..

  2. Sounds like you've got a lot of planning to do... And you've got great ideas.
    Advanced happy birthday to Chloe and Joey...
    Thanks for stopping by.


  3. I miss the beach! I can be your indentured worker for your new jewelry biz which I know people will rave about because of the extra thought and care put into it. Good luck and can't wait to see your "line"

    1. OMG yes! Lol. My little "bonus" is to add a little note or story about the beach that the actual shell/glass/rock came from. Hoping to get my sister in on it too so that she can go beachcombing in Hawaii and we can throw in a little Hawaiian Myth or something in it too.


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