Monday, June 25, 2012

Makeup Monday: Requests?

I know I've been sucking at these Makeup Monday posts lately, so in an attempt to do more with it and to engage more with you wonderful readers/watchers, I've decided to open the request lines!  Now, I'm no makeup pro, but I do know a thing or two about it so if you've got any questions, please comment/email your beauty questions to me and I will answer them in a future post (you know, first come, first serve).

This is a great way to get your feet wet if you're a beginner or to brush up on the basics for the more advanced.  You can ask/request as many times as you need and I will do whatever it takes to help you out.  Makeup looks, skin care, basic tutorials, reviews, hair care, etc.  I'll be your "Dear Abby" of beauty.  Lol.  And if I don't know the answer to your question right away, I will do my best to find that answer for you!  We'll learn together!

So come on, I know you've got some questions!  Let me hear them!

♥ Duckie.


  1. i almost had a heart attack! it said that your blog was no longer available!! what a sick

    im good now!



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