Monday, July 9, 2012

Makeup Monday: MAC Crew High-light Powder (Hey, Sailor! Collection)

So I went a little crazy this weekend and bought a bunch of new stuff that I don't really need.  If you follow me on Instagram and Twitter (@frikkenduckie) you'd have gotten a peek at some of the things I splurged on over the weekend.

Anyway, it had been a while since I stopped by my local MAC counter and I know it had been feeling neglected lately so I figured I might as well show it a little love while I was in the area.  I stocked up on some of my faves and ended up splurging on the "Crew" High-light Powder which is part of their Hey, Sailor! collection.

I had been looking for a highlighter for quite some time and this one was just too cute not to buy.  I loved the colors and the shimmer of the beige so I figured it would work well as a highlight.  Well gals, I was WRONG.

Now I don't know about you but I prefer highlighters to be shimmery yet natural looking.  The purpose of it is to highlight the areas of your face that the light would normally hit.  It helps to enhance your cheekbones and your facial structure, giving it a more defined look.

MAC was wrong in categorizing Crew as a high-light powder.  This product should definitely be defined as a blush and not a highlight powder.  The coral pink color in this product is very pigmented and stands out the most among the other three colors.  The color of the product when mixed together on a brush is a chalky pink.

Overall:  I would definitely NOT recommend purchasing this product for two reasons:  (1) It is more of a blush than a high-light powder and (2) it is still wayyyyyy too expensive for blush ($29.00)!!

Well I hoped you appreciated this review since I just saved you $29.00!  You're welcome.

And I still haven't edited the tutorial video I did.  I'm having trouble converting my .mov file into an editable file on Windows Movie Maker.  If anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it!

Oh, and by the way, I think we can all agree that I've got pretty rad photography skills, right?  Okay, well I guess my new camera helps a little...but still.  I'm pretty proud of myself.

Please comment below and let me know if you've tried the MAC Crew High-light Powder and what YOU thought of it.  And if you've regretted any beauty purchases lately, please feel free to share with us!

♥ Duckie.

P.S.  I may or may not post tomorrow due to my midterms!  I'm extremely behind with my schoolwork and I need all the time I can get to catch up!


  1. Thanks for this great review. I've never tried this MAC Powder and now I don't plan on it! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

    1. Lol. Its a good blush for light skin tones but it'd be cheaper to just buy a regular blush.

  2. I totally agree...first off $29 for a blush is waaay too expensive (although, MAC blush do last forever). Secondly, you are right...that's blush. I'm sorry that you were "duped". I'm sure you will find the perfect highlight soon.

    Thanks for the less thing I don't have to buy!

    Oh, I'm following you on twitter now and (hopefully) instagram. (@jenkakio // @jen808)

    1. Yes, I do love MAC's blushes, but $29? That's cray.

      Following you back on Twitter and since my son lost our iTouch, I won't be able to follow back via Instagram until it is found. Lol.

  3. I agree! This should definitely be categorised as a blusher, although for some skin tones they could get away with it x

    1. Maybe for darker skin tones it would come off as a highlighter, but for me and lighter skin tones it looks like blush because of the coral color. I think if they used more of the beige shimmer, it would do nicely as a highlighter.

  4. Love, love, love! Makeup is my ish- want to follow each other doll?

    Beauty Asylum


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