Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Feature: Life & Lemons

It's Aloha Friday

No work till Monday!

Okay, so remember how I told you guys I'd be working in cosmetics at Macy's?  They lied.

Apparently, even though I applied for the cosmetics department and was expecting to get the position I applied for, they've stuck me in MEN'S FURNISHINGS!  Mens.  Frikken.  Furnishings.

I'm so confused.  The first call I got was to tell me that I am a perfect fit for Macy's and that they would be calling me back with the details of my employment offer (pay, training, benefits, etc.).  Then another lady calls and tells me the position is for a Product Expert in Men's Furnishings.

Do I look like an expert in men's anything?  I'm a girly girl who loves COSMETICS.  Duh.

I had even asked if my application was forwarded to the men's department and the lady says "Oh, was there a specific department you were looking into?"  Umm, YEAH.  How about the department I specifically applied for?!

I don't know if I even want the job anymore.  I mean it could be fun and I'd still get the employee discount anyway, right?  But it totally just put a damper on my spirits.

I totally got lemons this time.

And speaking of lemons, let me introduce you to one of my wonderful sponsors this month who knows a whole lot about making lemonade out of those lemons that life throws at you.

Isn't she just super awesome?

Yes, yes she is!

She is also participating in the Thanksgiveaway that I'll be hosting this month on (duh) Thanksgiving so be on the lookout for that!

Now go and check out Kenzi's blog by clicking on her button below!

And don't forget to grab a glass of lemonade while you're there!

♥ Duckie.


  1. Don't give up to find a new job. I got my 3rd one last year. Why I keep searching job because mean people around in my 1st, 2nd and I was already tired, seeing them faces. the good things is never to stop you will find it...

  2. keep your head up, and yes think about the discount and extra spending money that you will have...and just having a job for the time being. You never know, it may be a mix up and you probably can get transferred to cosmetics before you know it! throw those lemons into a Sangria!! lol. I quit drinking but you can drink for me!

    love me some Duckie!


    1. ps, im gonna make a new button for the ill get to that soon!

  3. Hello !! I am your newest follower /

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    Very pretty and classy, love the look :)
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    love you dear :)
    MarcBelle Chanelene

  4. Hey maybe you can just asked to be transferred to cosmetics...I would ask. But is a good discount :-)
    Love you!

  5. Arrgghh! How annoying! But I agree with KLee - let's just make some Sangria with your lemons baby!! No seriously, great idea to just take the position but also be very clear what you were applying for and where you ultimately want to be... then hang around the cosmetics counters, make friends with all the girls and sooner or later you'll be in there like swimwear.

    Go get 'em Duckkie!!

    Vanessa x

    P.S - and let me know when you're gonna make that Sangria too okay? I'm coming over.....

  6. What exactly are men's furnishings? Well, don't give up and maybe give it a try? Easier said than done because I'd feel the same way. But like you said, you'd get a good discount! Have a great weekend!!

  7. You know what...I've heard about that from other people. I friend used to work for MAC in Kahala Macy's and she said that her Macy's co-workers would complain about that a lot. Apparently, cosmetics is hard to get into (duh...cuz it's so much fun!!! LOL) that new comers are forced to do other departments and wait until someone quits at Macy's. Honestly, if you really want to do cosmetics (and don't need the money), I would quit and apply somewhere that will hire you as a cosmetics girl.

  8. I would be super frustrated! Hopefully they don't stick you in men's furnishings... What even is men's furnishings?
    Thanks for the feature!!


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