Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Books Lately: October 2016

The Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett
THIS.  BOOK.  Okay, first off, I have to say that I had purchased this book on Thrift Books (yes, that is my referral link) back in May but had been putting off reading it because it was sooooo long.  Like, 900 pages long.  Seeing such a thick book on my shelf was kinda intimidating, but I had already finished the rest of the books on my shelf in September so I figured it was time to tackle that beast.  I had initially thought it would take me the whole month to finish, but once I started reading, it was hard to put down.  The story is about the building of a cathedral set in 12th-century England during the middle of a civil war.  A story about building a church sounds boring, but there is so much more to the story than that because of the drama and characters.  Kings, corrupt priests, a witch, a few sadists, an unexpected romance, murder, destruction - no wonder this book was turned into a mini-series!

Evelyn, After, by Victoria Helen Stone
I have mixed feelings about this book.  I really liked the way the story was going at first but the end was kind of a let down.  If I were Evelyn, I think I would have taken a little more revenge out on my husband for all the crap he pulled.  She found out her husband was having an affair after he had an accident so she went and had an affair with his mistress's husband.  Then when all these new facts came out about the accident and she found out the truth behind the affair, the book just kinda fizzled out and cut to her happy ending.  It was an interesting read but the end could have been a lot better had the author given Evelyn more fight instead of just telling her husband that when their son graduated she'd file for divorce and go to the police.

Obviously October wasn't much of a bookfest for me but I'm happy to say that I have read through all the books that were on my shelf.  Now, the only problem is to find space and money to buy more books!  I also finally went to the public library here on Guam and got library cards for my younger kids so they've caught the reading bug too.  I'm currently in the middle of reading The King's Traitor (Book 3 in the Kingfountain series) and a few of my coworkers and I have started talking about a book swap so hopefully I'll have lots more to read in November.


  1. I've never heard of Thrift Books. I will have to check it out. Evelyn, After sounds interesting. The premise reminds me a little of Gone Girl. I will have to check those books out.

  2. Evelyn, After sounds interesting even if the ending fell a little flat. Which I hate when that happens.


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