Thursday, November 3, 2016

The Bando Agenda

Alright, so I've been using my Bando Agenda for a little over 3 months now and I figured it's about time I post some photos as well as my thoughts on it.  I apologize in advance for the crappy photos.  I'd post better ones, but...lazy.

Okay, so first off, besides the gorgeous design (I mean, really, it is so frikken pretty), the cover is great.  It is made with hard, durable cardboard (like a hard-cover book) and has rounded edges so you don't have to worry about it bending out of shape too much.  It is spiral bound so some of you crafty people can create inserts or clip-ins if you're want a more customized feel.

Once you open it, there is a double sided pocket page that contains a cute little code key that you can use to write notes to your friends, or just write stuff that you don't really want others to see.  You can also use the pockets to hold papers, stickers, or whatever.  After the pocket page is the dashboard which says "This Agenda Is Mine" and a blank line to write your name.  Obviously, I kicked it up a notch and decorated the whole page with stickers.

Speaking of stickers, the agendas come with two sheets of them!  They're so cute and functional and I've already used a few, as you can see.

Next up is the yearly overview which shows 2017-2018.  Then, "Dates to Celebrate" where you can write in birthdays, anniversaries, etc. to keep track of them.  After that, there's a list of holidays (traditional and non-traditional) that you can look forward to celebrating all year long.

November's cover design

December's monthly spread (not completed)

Completed monthly spread

Each month has its own spread of artwork and cute sayings which makes going into a new month so much fun.  The monthly spread itself is simple and kinda plain, with just a half sidebar space for notes.  At first I was a little disappointed, but when I realized how much freedom I would have to decorate and customize it, my disappointment turned into creative bliss.

 Weekly spread (blank)

Completed weekly spread

The weekly spread is also plain with a few little notes and cute sayings every week.  I have to admit that I was I little (okay a lot) intimidated by all the blank space in this new planner because I was so used to the vertical layout in my old planner which I designed to mimic the ECLP.  I freaked out the first week I used it because I didn't know how I would fill up all the space.  But thanks to my sticker and washi tape addictions, I can decorate each week as much or as little as I want to.

There are also note pages after each monthly spread as well as several blank lined sheets at the back of the agenda for taking notes, doodling, etc. but I don't really use them.

Transitioning from my old planner to this one took a lot of getting used to but I love that I'm able to customize and decorate my pages however I want to.  It does take time to actually sit down and plan and cut stickers and decorate each page but it adds a little fun and creativity into my work day by taking a few minutes every few hours to add some stickers or break out my washi tape.

All in all, I really LOVE this planner.  I don't know if I could ever go back to the boxy vertical layout that I was using previously.  I also love how durable and sturdy the covers are because that was a big issue with my previous DIY ECLP copy-cat planner.  If durability is an issue for you too (you like to throw your planner in your purse, car, etc.) I think you'd enjoy the covers on this one.  Also, if you love having the freedom to design and decorate to your heart's content, this is definitely the one for you.

What kind of planner do you have?  What do you think of the Bando Agenda?  Are you a sticker/washi tape addict too?

*P.S. This is NOT a sponsored post.  I bought this shit on my own.  All images and opinions are my own, blah blah blah.


  1. Ohhh this post makes my planner- and sticker-obsessed heart so happy. :) I saw a similar bando at Macy's the other day and I almost bought it. I've been doing bullet journaling for the past few years, but something lately has been calling me back to a traditional planner.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your photos! So awesome.

  2. oooooo niiiiice! i love the layouts. i now use a Kikki K so i can add stuff to it but this is also a nice one; i LOVE the cover!

  3. Well this looks like a fun planner!!! I like the cover! I have been wanting to get on the planner bandwagon but haven't leaped quite yet.


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