Thursday, January 26, 2017

An Preview of Posts to Come

Lighthouse Rights by Night by Jonas Claesson

Like I've mentioned before, this year's theme is CHANGE and I'm going balls to the wall with it right now.  That being said, I thought I'd give a little "heads-up" just to let you know what to expect in the near future.

//  KonMari

I (finally) read Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up last week and have begun the process of decluttering and organizing using the KonMari method. 

I'll be posting my "before and after" photos of everything, category by category.  The posts will be spread out (obviously) because decluttering a house is quite an undertaking, but I hope you'll read and follow along with my posts as I know some of you are looking to declutter and organize as well.  Also, those of you who have read the book and follow the KonMari method, please please please comment with any tips, tricks or encouragement you may have because I'd love to connect and get inspiration and wisdom from you!

//  52 Lists

I've also mentioned previously that I started The 52 Lists Project in my own little DIY way.  After starting, I went ahead and purchased the 52 Lists for Happiness book (yes, the actual book with actual money) and I really can't get enough of either.

The list prompts in each book make it easy for you to start jotting things down and they really make you think and reflect.  Some lists I can finish in a day, some lists take some time for me to complete, but they all allow me to really put my heart and mind into them which makes me so happy.  I'd like to share my happiness by posting photos of my completed lists each week here on the blog so that maybe one of you will be inspired to write and reflect on your own list.

//  Giveaways

It's been a long time since I've done a giveaway around here and that's something I want to start again.  I'm changing and this blog is going to go through some changes too.  I'd like this to be a place that inspires, teaches and entertains you in some way.  And since I'm trying to be more "don't just talk about it, be about it", I'd like to host more giveaways to get you involved and give you something to react to.  I mean, wouldn't winning the actual KonMari book inspire you to declutter more than just reading about someone else doing it?

I've got lots more ideas in my head that I'm not ready to put down on paper just yet, but these are the few that I'm able and ready to begin so be on the lookout for them!


Thanks for reading! I love comments and meeting new bloggers so please feel free to say "Hi"!

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