Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Books Lately: December

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling
Finally finished the Harry Potter series!  I was going to read the newest book, The Cursed Child, but it is written like a play and the reviews I read were terrible so I'm not about to mess up my newfound HP love with that.  The series has been so fun to read that it was hard for me to get through other books after this last one.  I loved all the twists in this book and I especially loved how it ended with all the characters grown up with kids of their own.  Such a great series and I'm definitely going to binge watch all the movies once I get some time to myself.

Good as Gone, by Amy Gentry
This book was crazy.  It's a story about a girl, Julie, who was kidnapped from her home when she was 13.  The chapters jump back and forth between characters and it was a little hard to follow at first because there were all these different names but that's because Julie had changed her name so many different times throughout her life after being taken from her home.  What makes it even crazier is that when you read about HOW she was taken, it makes you realize just how easily your own kids could go missing, especially these days when kids are acting and dressing like they're much older than they actually are.

What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, by Randall Munroe 

This book is a compilation of hypothetical questions submitted by users and answered by the author on his website, xkcd.com.  The author, Randall Munroe, previously worked for NASA and he blends science with humor and comics in answering the questions in this book.  It really is an interesting read and you learn a lot while not getting bored.  It's like having a science class with a really cool teacher.

And that's it for my December reads.  I've got a challenge set up for 2017 that I'm super excited about.  I'll be posting it shortly so you all can follow/join along in reading with me!

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