Friday, April 13, 2012

I've got an idea!

Lots of them actually. They've been oozing out of me all day. That sounded disgusting, didn't it?

Once again I've been pinning and craft idea hunting all day. I did manage to get a lot of work done though. But I also managed to forget about my class. If my Managerial Accounting class had some craft idea discussions, I would have totally been on there.

I'm planning on getting some craft things tonight so I can craft this weekend. Most likely starting on this Seahorse pillow first:

I can totally take this with me to the beach tomorrow to finish up the details.

Also going to try and get some paint swatches at Home Depot tonight to make this awesome project:

Which reminds me that I need to get some picture frames somewhere. Cheap.

And I'll also need to remind myself to pick up some acrylic paint and unsanded grout to do this:

It would be good to put in the house, especially for a chore list.

And I need to make an apron like this one:

And what a perfect gift idea it would be for Mother's Day, right?

I know, this post kinda sucks. I'm just going through a blogging block right now. I think I just need the weekend to be here already. Maybe then I'll get some post inspirations.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! And I'll be doing another tutorial for Makeup Monday so get your makeup stash together to follow along!


  1. You sound like you wanna jump off and start things ASAP! lol Good for you! Hope to see these things soon in your blog! :)


  2. You are one of my nominees for versatile award, come and check it out on my blog! :)

  3. I love the seahorse & the chalkboard things! You definitely need to show off that seahorse when you're done :)
    I feel like EVERYONE is going through some type of a block right now! Hopefully we all get some crazy inspiration soon.
    xo Heather

    1. I did the seahorse but totally forgot the stuffing, so I'll have to pick that up maybe tonight and I'll post about it later this week.

  4. That pillow is so adorable!

  5. Love that sea horse pillow! I want one! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me the sweetest note. It really made me happy. I can't wait to check out more of your blog.



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