Monday, April 16, 2012

Makeup Monday Mishap + Award

Okay so I didn't have time to do a tutorial over the weekend so I started recording one this morning. I was halfway through the tutorial when the phone rang, so I had to stop recording, answer the phone, then record another video to pick up where I left off.

Now, I am sooo NOT a video whiz so I don't know how to cut and edit anything at all. Therefore, I will not be posting my tutorial today. Sad face, I know. But fear not, I'm providing you with a tutorial today, just not MY tutorial.

This tutorial is by Andrea of Andrea's Choice back in 2010. It is a very versatile look and it is great for all the colors going on in spring and summer fashion. Try it out, I'd love to see your take on it!

And before I go, here's another award I was given by the amazing Ronida of Portable Sunshine AND Val of Pink & Golden Lights! These two girls are absolutely wonderful, and not just because they awarded me! They are two of my daily reads and I recommend you take a look at their blogs! And here's the award:

Here are the rules for nominating another blogger for this award

1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2. Let them know that you have nominated them.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the bloggers that have nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.

My Nominees: (Okay, so you know how I hate to follow rules? Well I'm bending this 15 people new to blogging rule. Instead, here's a few AWESOME blogs I've come across recently & a few of my versatile faves)

LM Beauty Shines

So here are 7 random facts about me:

1. I like to write in blue ink.
2. I love to sing.
3. Brown Sugar Cinnamon Poptarts are my favorite.
4. I could NEVER be a vegetarian. I loves me some MEAT!
5. Crown Royal makes me black out.
6. If you say something stupid, I will think you are stupid from that point on unless you prove to me otherwise.
7. I like to hoard office supplies at my desk.

There it is. Hope you liked this post! And sorry again for my tutorial fail. I'm browsing video editing software and tips and tricks online right now!


  1. iam so so so not a vegetarian person! i could never be one too. haha. and oh office supplies...i love stationery....

    thank you so much for nominate me. i'm so honoured and i really appreciate it. thank you thank you

    1. Lol. Yeah, I tried to do the whole vegan thing once, but it lasted for about 3 hours. Haha. And you're very welcome!

  2. aww! thank you duckie! lots of love to you. :)

    1. You're welcome! And lots of love to you and that little man of yours in there too mama!

  3. I LOVE Andrea's Choice!!! Because of her, I found a love for sea salt for my skin and my skin is looking fab!
    Thanks for the award doll! I will get everything written up and I will let you know :)

    1. I love that she's so real in her videos. She seems like the kind of person that is very easy to get along with, not snobby like some other beauty gurus on youtube.

  4. thank you so much!! I appreciate it greatly and it means so much :) I will add your blog & name into this post:

    >also, what movie program do you use? I can help you out if you use iMovie! :)


    1. Awesome! I don't have iMovie (or a Mac computer for that matter) but I think I will download the app and try it out!

  5. Thank you for the nomination Duckie!! <3

  6. Thank you for the nomination Duckie!! I feel quite honoured :) haha.
    How does this work, do I now post this too? I'm a little clueless haha!
    <3 Krystal

  7. Hi Duckie!

    Thank you for the nomination :). I know I have been MIA, its really due to my kid's spring break and not inspired to blog on the ipad during the trip. still need to upload photos from my stay tuned:).

    Thanks for thinking of me,


    1. Yay! Can't wait to see pictures! And yes, hurry up and blog because I missed you!


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