Monday, April 2, 2012

Makeup Monday #1: Peacock

Hooray for the first Makeup Monday post! Are you excited? Well I am, so let's get started!

Products and Instructions:

Liberty (Tokidoki Robbery Palette). Alternate: a deep blueish-green with shimmer. Apply this color all over your lid, below the crease.

Nocturnelle (MAC). Alternate: a chrome/metallic purple with pink shimmer. Blend this color into your crease. Be sure to also apply it to the corner of your lids to create your outer "V". Apply the blueish-green color to your lid again if you need to.

Goldmine (MAC). Alternate: an intense shimmery gold. Sweep this color on the inner corner of your eye.

Powersurge (MAC). Actual color is more gold than brown. Alternate: any bronze/gold eyeliner. Line your your lids with this color.

Blacktrack (MAC). Alternate: any black liner. This is to be applied to your lower lash line to add drama.

Keep your lips simple. I just used a clear shimmery lip gloss. And don't forget your mascara!

So before you watch the video below, please read the following warnings first:

1. This is my first makeup tutorial video ever. Ever ever.

2. Don't mind my weird faces I do them all the time. Even if I don't mean to. Oh, and I didn't feel the need to brush my hair for this - which is why it looks so nappy.

3. The lighting sucks. Super sucks. It was raining today and by the time I got around to doing this, it was about 8:30pm so I had to use a lamp to get enough light - so everything looks a bit more yellow than it really is.

4. I cheated and did the same look earlier just so I could remember how to do it, then redid it on video - which is why my bottom lash line was already black.

5. Sorry about the glare from my forehead and nose. I powdered it towards the end though. Lol.

6. I'm not talking in this video. I don't remember the name of the song or the artist - it was some random song I picked on Youtube's Video Editor thing.

There are several other "peacock inspired" makeup looks out there but I think this is a bit more subtle than some others I've seen. I wear this look to work sometimes and it goes perfectly with a simple black top and jeans or your little black dress.

Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial! If you have any questions, comments, or tips for me, please let me know! Seriously though. Obviously I need major help with video editing. And video recording. So HELP!

Oh, and before you go, I wanted to let you know that I'm participating in an Art Journaling challenge this week hosted by Charlotte-Joy! I'm super excited to finish day 1's challenge and I'll be posting it later tonight along with more info about the challenge so you can join in too!


  1. Excellent video! I have always been generally clueless about makeup & usually only wear it on the weekends. This was helpful even with just learning to blend shadows of any color. Yay! (And can't wait to see your art journal post too! :))

    1. Thanks! I've always been a makeup geek since I was little (I was the typical Barbie playing, purse toting, plastic high-heel wearing little girl) so I consider myself to be pretty skilled in that area.

      I'm sure you'd be a pro at blending colors, it is sort of like painting.

  2. Yey! A makeup vid! I'll try this on my eyes soon! thanks for posting! :DDD

  3. That is it a lovely look! :) I might try it one of these days!


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