Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Cleaning: Rejuvenate + What I Wore Wednesday

Today is one of those days. The kind of day where you've gotten so much done but your workload has still managed to increase. You know what I'm talking about. The kind of day that seems to go by so quickly; until you look at the clock and your eyes pop out of your head because its really only 11:30 a.m. Where you can't seem to drink enough coffee or pin enough things to make the time go by faster. Yes folks, that's the kind of day I'm having.

So in order to rejuvenate myself, I've decided to create a bucket list. This also ties into my Spring Cleaning posts because sometimes your attitude towards life needs to be cleaned and rejuvenated! This is especially true when you're having days like the one I'm having right now, when it seems like you haven't conquered much!

So here it goes - and I'll be adding to this list from time to time as I come up with new things to do. Oh, and I'll also be adding a separate page dedicated to my bucket list so you (well, mostly me) can see how much of it I've accomplished! Okay, for real this time, here it goes:

In no particular order

- Go skydiving (I'm extremely afraid of falling so I want to try and overcome this one)
- Feed sharks in a shark cage
- Vacay in Tahiti (always been a dream of mine since my beach bum days)
- Learn a different language (preferably Korean)
- Research and document my family tree
- Travel to Italy (Heather, I'm totally counting on you for this one. Lol.)
- Have my dream wedding
- Subscribe to a gym (and actively participate)
- Learn to play the piano
- Sing as a side job (events, weddings, funerals, etc.)
- Honeymoon in Greece
- Take a dance class
- Get my degree
- Travel to all 50 states (3 down, 47 more to go)
- Shoot a gun
- Drive a motorcycle
- Read 100 books in one year (I need to find out how many I already read this year)
- Meet a blogging buddy in person
- Start an etsy shop
- Start a crafting business
- Learn how to do woodwork
- Milk a cow
- Ride an ostrich
- Explore the pyramids in Egypt
- Repel down a cliff
- Renew my vows in the Bahamas
- Buy my own house
- Surf in Bali
- Plant a tree
- Go snowboarding

Well, there you have it. That's my bucket list so far. What about you? What's your bucket list look like? Let's compare! I'm sure you've got some great things that I could add to mine!

And finally, here's what I wore:

Makeup: Black lid, grey crease, white highlight, clear gloss on lips
Dress: Little black dress bought at Papaya (around $30, don't remember the exact cost)
Shoes: $30 at A-1 Shoes
Belt: Came with another dress I bought at Papaya
Bag: Betseyville by Betsey Johnson (Retails around $80, bought at Ross for $25)

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! I look forward to seeing some bucket lists from you guys!


  1. I want to do these too! Can I put these in my list and I'll link you to it!!! :)))
    - Meet a blogging buddy in person
    - Learn to play the piano
    - Shoot a gun
    - Explore the pyramids in Egypt

    But seriously, ride an ostrich????!

    These are mine, not that much, but still.. :)

    1. Yes, feel free to borrow some! I'll check out yours right now!

      And yeah, ever since I saw the ostrich race in Prince of Persia, I've always wanted to try it. Just to say I did it. Lol.

  2. I've seen so many of these bucket lists I think I need to start one - thanks for the inspiration!
    And LOVE those shoes btw, So cute!!

    From your newest follower,

    Vanessa x

    Pop over and follow me too sometime! :-)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to seeing the bucket list you create! Following you back now!

  3. OH that frikken duckie! ;P hey girl; glad to be kinda back. for now.

    so i was going through your bucket list - some pretty interesting ones :) - but. why would you ever wanna ride an ostrich!? ahah. i'm just curious... is there some insaaanely awesome fact that i'm not aware of? lmk, heh.

    1. Yay, you're back! And ever since I saw the ostrich race in Prince of Persia, I wanted to ride one. Just for fun, to say I did it. It looks hilarious!

  4. Love that purse! Looks like i'll be going to Ross this weekend :)
    We can go to Italy together :)

    1. Girl, Ross is where its at! Lol. But seriously, I'm a huge purse hoarder so the only way Joey lets me buy purses alone is if I'm going to Ross. I usually come home with two purses every time I go. Lol. Imagine if I paid full price for those bags...fuhgeddaboutit! I'd be broke and living on the street. I'd be the bag lady. Lol.

  5. Those shoes and dress look fab on you! Love love! That bucket list seems soo much fun, maybe I'll get around and do one, one day. I hope you're well! And don't worry, the day is about to end, I'm totally feeling you on that one, and I would love to get away on a vacation right now! :)

    1. Thank you! You should totally do one! I'd love to see what yours would look like!

  6. Wow .... that's a long list...Good thing you're young.

    1. Lol. Youth doesn't matter, its getting up the nerve and having the time to do it. Do you have a bucket list?

  7. such cute shoes! i've always had a very meager bucket list:

    -get married
    -buy house
    -have babies
    -see europe

    3 outta four so far! you list is quite impressive!

    1. Lol. I got the "have babies" part down already. STILL not married, living in a house owned by my dad but he and the rest of my family still live in Hawaii so its pretty much ours. Lol. And I cannot wait until my kids are older so we can travel more. Traveling with them now is hell. Seriously hell. Guam is far away from everything so flying back home to Hawaii is a 7hr trip. 7 hours + 3 kids, its a good thing they check for guns before you board otherwise I would have shot myself a long time ago. Lol.

  8. Wow! Great list, I want to make one, but I don't even know where to start! Also, those shoes are sooooooo adorable, I just can't stop looking at them!

  9. - Learn a different language (preferably Korean)
    - Research and document my family tree
    - Honeymoon in Greece
    - Take a dance class
    - Get my degree
    - Travel to all 50 states (3 down, 47 more to go)
    - Meet a blogging buddy in person
    - Renew my vows (but in dream wedding but couldnt cause 3 grandparents cant travel there.)
    - Buy my own house
    - Go snowboarding

    So Twin, I think we can do some of these You are very audacious! I wish I was more adventurous. I'll do my bucket list soon. Its funny, I just watched a Korean drama on Netflix. ITs Korean version of 'A scent of a woman'. really good in fact. a girl with cancer doing all her stuff on her bucket list.


    1. Lol. You are totally my twin! And I'm going to add "Eat and In-N-Out" on there too. Hahaha. I used to love watching Korean soap operas but I don't know what channel they're on here on Guam. Lol.

  10. Thanks for following me dear <3
    Lol you have such a random bucket list! I love it! I'd do a few 'safe' things such as
    - Travel to Italy
    - Have my dream wedding (first I have to find the man :) )
    - Read 100 books in one year
    - Meet a blogging buddy in person
    - Start an etsy shop
    - Learn to play the piano

    Btw you look great in your little black dress - no gym subscription necessary! ;)


    1. Thanks for the wonderful comment! And once you find the man, you better invite me to that dream wedding too! Lol.

  11. Your shoes are ADORABLE! So cute!


  12. Love those shoes! They're definitely a darling piece! xo, Megs

    1. Thanks so much! I also have a pair in brown too, that's how much I love them. Lol.

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