Monday, May 7, 2012

Just a Little Weekend Recap

This morning I came in to work to find this on my desk:

This letter made my week!  Its little things like this that make my heart melt.  It has been so long since I've gotten a letter from anyone - bills and junk mail don't count - that I totally lit up this morning when I saw this.  There's just something so amazing about receiving a handwritten, heartfelt letter.  No email, tweet, comment, or text message can compare.  Thank you Heather, you can bet that I'll be writing back to you ASAP!

So how was everyone's weekend?  Ours was definitely fun-filled!  We had planned on taking the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese's on Friday night for my cousin's fundraiser, but unfortunately we had to miss out on that one because Aniyah's first holy communion practice took longer than we expected (we didn't leave the church until after 9pm - and we didn't have dinner yet so we were all grouchy).

Our plans for Saturday were also messed up a little too but we turned it into a great day.  I had planned on going yard sale hunting but we woke up late.  Lol.  We had also planned on going to the beach, but it had rained and I never go to the beach after it rains because of the runoff (the dirt, mud, and debris that gets washed out into the ocean).  So what did we do instead?  Paint!

The girls and I went to the craft store, bought some acrylic paint and canvas paper, and had a blast!  They loved experimenting with different color combinations and seeing how different brush sizes had different effects.  It was a lot of fun just being able to create something so colorful on a dreary day.

Afterwards, we went to watch Joey's team play baseball and the kids had a lot of fun running around the field in the new shoes we bought them.  Trace decided it would be fun to slide in the dirt like a real baseball player 50 billion times.  I had to strip him down before he got in the car because he was covered in red dirt from head to toe.  Boys will be boys...

Sunday was a super busy day for us because Aniyah received her first holy communion!  I did her hair in the morning and she dressed up with her veil, stockings, dress, and shoes.  She looked amazing and Chloe kept asking her who she was marrying (lol).  We were so proud of her and she was beaming the whole way through the ceremony.  Well, okay not the WHOLE way.  She did make a face after she drank some of the wine which made us all laugh.  But she carried herself like a lady, which almost made me cry - why do they have to grow up so quickly!?

Anyway, so after everything was over, we had lunch at Joey's parents' house with his family and the kids finally got to go to Chuck-E-Cheese's last night.  It was so funny because Aniyah finally got the hang of the Jump Rope game so she was stuck on that all night long.  She was so into it that she kicked off her slippers and she was sweating!  It was hilarious but she was so stoked that she was winning so much - and jump roping is her favorite thing to do so she had a BLAST!

With all the chaos that we usually face on the weekends, this past weekend was much needed and full of quality time with our little family.  Sometimes being able to focus on family bonding is more important than spending an entire weekend cleaning or running errands.  Which reminds me that I really need to do laundry tonight.  Lol.

Oh yeah, and before I forget, I'll be posting today's Makeup Monday post a little late because I'll be vlogging for the first time.  I'm linking up with Jenna over at The Life of the Wife for "The Girl Behind the Blog" series, so stay tuned!


  1. can't wait to see you vlogging! hopefully I'll get around to do it when I have the right equipament! :) xx

  2. Omg I use to want a penpal so badly just to get actual letters in the mail LOL. Can't wait for your vlog :)

    1. I know! It's so fun getting mail that isn't a bill! Email me your address and we can be penpals!

  3. you don't know how much i miss hand-written letter, haha. lucky you

    1. Receiving a handwritten letter is the best feeling! So much more personal than an email!

  4. That's so lovely. I'm also missing handwritten letters from time to time.

    Your blog is amazing; following you now.


    My Bathroom Is My Castle – Beauty Blog

    1. Thank you for following! Going to follow you back now!

  5. Yay for handwritten letters, :)

  6. I have a ugly handwritten and that they recognize me so fast. One time, I send my family a letter, I was not adding addresses or guessing for them who send a letter. and one of my ante called and said, it's a miracle handwritten from you...

    1. Lol. That's funny that everyone knows your handwriting, sometimes I think mine is ugly too so I try to change my handwriting every now and then.

  7. Your blog is amazine. Following you now. Hope you will check out my blog :) xo

    1. Thank you for following! Going to visit your blog now!

  8. Congratulations on Aniyah's first communion!! I remember how excited I was when I had mine. I still don't like the taste of church wine either.

    1. Thanks Hayley! And yeah, church wine is definitely not the best. Lol. I think her excitement was heightened when we finally got her dressed and put that veil on her head. She's usually a jeans and tshirt kind of girl but she LOVED getting all dressed up and they all looked so precious walking up the aisle to the alter!


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