Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oh dear

I was making little notes in my head all day yesterday about random things and was debating whether or not I should post them today.  TJ of His Little Lady posted her Little Notes yesterday and it just confirmed my post for today.

Dear eyelids,
Why must you crease differently?  It makes it impossible for me to wear eyeliner without it being noticeably uneven.

Dear ombre hair,
Since when did you become popular?  Last I heard you were the result of grown out highlights.  I still don't get it.

Dear Mariah Carey,
Can you please go back to the way you were.  You know, up until the Butterfly album.

Dear know-it-alls,
Please stop trying to tell me the places they sell Green Tea Kit-Kats on island because I've been to all of those places and have yet to find them.

Dear Joey,
I would really love this for Mother's day: 

I would also like to spend my mother's day AWAY from your mother.

Dear Alouette Garlic & Herb spread,
You're great.  But I thought I'd fix you up.  Yes, you have a lunch date with a box of roasted garlic Triscut in my tummy today.

Dear Sister,
We're all super excited for you to come back already!  I can't wait.  Just don't bunk out on me.

Dear bosses,
I'm due for a raise don't you think?  I do.

Dear readers,
Thank you for reading!  Hope you're having a great Thursday!  Btw, I created some awesome home decor things yesterday that I'll share with you soon.


  1. ha! i love the "dear bosses." i feel the same way...

    xo, lizzie

    1. Lol. I think I'm not compensated nearly enough to do what I have to do.

  2. some of these are funny

  3. Replies
    1. Haha. Thank you! I try to find the humor in everything.

  4. Replies
    1. Trust me, they're AMAZING! I posted a little about it here:

  5. Haha this made me laugh! especially that ombre hair... I have a love hate realtionship with it. Shoes are HOTTT btw

    1. The shoes are totally drool worthy! Hoping they'll get here in time for Mother's Day. Lol. And yeah, ombre hair...not feeling it.

  6. haha. i saw a green tea kitkat somewhere before and didn't buy it because i thought it would taste really weird. and about your mother-in-law. haha

    1. Lol. You should try it! Even my kids love it - which surprised me. And yeah, I won't even go there about my MIL. I'd be ranting for weeks. Lol.

  7. hope mother's day turns out to be a YOU day..! :D


  8. Hehe Duckie you make me laugh!! ;-)

    Got my fingers crossed for that Mothers Day present for you... BOTH of them ... ;-P

    V x

  9. Nice white shoes...
    It looks stylish!
    I want to celebrate the mother's day but too bad we are currently away. I get to see her next month...

    Follow my blog at

    1. Thank you for stopping by! It's too bad you'll be away from your Mother on Mother's day, but at least you can spend time with her when you see her. ^_^

  10. Hi there! you have a great blog! please check out my blog and if you like, please follow me on Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin, I promise to do the same for you! xx

    1. Thank you for stopping by! Going to visit your blog now!

  11. OMG love love love those shoes!! and thank you for stopping by btw. please revisit soon :)

    1. Thank you for commenting! Will definitely revisit and follow your blog!

  12. Oh Duckie... I'm so with you on that hombre hair. You used to want your hair to look it's like you want people to know Hey I dyed my hair. Yes you deserve a raise...would you like me to write a letter to your boss. And yes... I would be happy to help you on your Etsy Shop. I'm no expert though...still learning.

    1. Yeah I'm not digging the ombre hair. I had my hair highlighted several times and I wanted to go back to natural (which takes forever) so I stopped going to get my hair dyed. I always hated when my hair would start growing out because it looks so weird. Unfortunately my hair kinda looks like ombre hair now because it goes from my dark natural hair to my highlighted hair. I guess its a good thing that I'm on trend, but I don't like the trend at all. I'm debating on whether or not I should just dye my hair dark so it doesn't look like ugly ombre hair. Lol.

  13. At least you have a crease! I have to make mine to have them! I love the mother in law one...classic!


    1. Lol! My creases are uneven though! My sister barely has a crease too. See, you're still one of us.

  14. Those shoes are hot!! and I am feeling slightly better... very slowly, but that's better than nothing! Hope you have a lovely weekend :)


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