Friday, June 22, 2012

Oasap Giveaway!

Hello lovelies, sorry about not posting yesterday!  I've been sick all week and yesterday was the worst of it.  I came in to work for two hours and ended up going home because I just felt awful.  Having to go to the bathroom every 2 minutes to blow my nose and spit up phlegm (TMI, right?) is not fun.  Plus, every time I stood up I felt dizzy and got a headache.

Anyway, enough about that.  I'm feeling a lot better today and started feeling even mo' bettah (yeah, gotta stay true to my moke-ness) when I saw a new email from Oasap about a giveaway they're having!  You remember my outfit post from Wednesday about Oasap, right?  No?  Well it's right HERE if you want to check it out. so go and check it out.  And comment on it.  NOW.

Let me tell you a little bit about this giveaway...even though I know that once you read "giveaway" in a post, you really don't care to much about what it is, as long as its free, right?  Well Oasap is having a SUPER GIVEAWAY and I say super because they're giving away 152 items.  Yup, you heard that right.  152 items.

So now that your jaw is on the floor, you're probably skimming through to find out how to enter, right?  Well that part is easy!  You just click on the link down there at the bottom and it'll take you to the giveaway page where you vote for 3 of your favorite items.  That's it.  Every vote is an entry and you can enter up to three times.

Oh, wait.  I forgot to mention that you have to register for Oasap in order to enter.  But I'm sure you're already registered, right?  Good.  If not, no worries.  The process is easy and free and you get a 20% off coupon code when you register!  So even if you don't feel like entering the giveaway, you should still sign up to get that coupon code! 

So hurry up and get those votes in!  The giveaway ends on July 10th (of this year, genius) so hurry hurry hurry!  Good luck to you all!


♥ Duckie.


  1. heck yeah to coupons! ive never heard of or shopped oasap before but with 152 (kinda random #, no?) different items up for grabs, theres bound to be something i like, right?

    thanks for the heads up on the giveaway!

    ps - mine is up on my blog so enter if you're interested ;-)

  2. I hope you feel better! And thanks for the heads up on the giveaway, I've never shopped there before, but now I'm curious.

    1. Thank you! Please check them out! They've got some really cute stuff!

  3. Oh, thanks for the heads up on this giveaway!

    I hope you are feeling better.


    1. Thank you, I am feeling a lot better! Good luck on the giveaway!

  4. thanks for the giveaway info, hope u get well soon! xxx


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