Thursday, August 2, 2012


Yep, frikken Duckie wants to change things up - again.

Since I'm kind of a big deal now (almost 300 followers via GFC - what!?) because I hosted the GFC Blog Hop this past Tuesday, I've decided that its time for a little freshening up around here.  But being the awesome, caring, down-to-earth, person that I am, I've decided to get your opinions on a few of these possible changes first.

1.  Domain Name.  I don't know about you guys, but commitment is a big deal to me.  I'm afraid of converting "" to "".  Why?  I don't know....maybe its because I'm afraid that the site will fail, or maybe its because not a lot of my real life friends and family know about this little blog of mine and might come across it and have some not-so-constructive-criticism to add.

2.  Advertising.  I've notice lately that a lot of bloggers have changed their "Button Swap" to "Advertising" which kind of discourages some bloggers (myself included) from being able to get their buttons out there.  As I reiterate time and time again - I'm cheap frugal.  I don't want to spend money on ad space unless I'm 100% certain that I'll be getting a LOT of traffic on my blog.  However, I would like to use my newly acquired famousness to make a little extra money - because we could ALL use a little of that.  And of course I would still do the free swaps too!

3.  Design.  As noted above, I'm cheap frugal.  I don't like spending money on stuff I could do myself.  But I also don't really have much time or knowledge to do this myself so I'm stuck.  Blog design prices can be RIDICULOUS depending on the services you want.  I really do want a cleaner, uniform look but I'm stuck on the fence with this one.  Help!

So what do you think of these possible changes?  Have you switched to a domain name?  Do you charge for ad space on your blog?  Have you paid to get your blog pretty?  Help a fellow blogger out and let me know!

♥ Duckie.

P.S.  I've got a few sponsored review projects in the works right now so be looking forward to that!


  1. Yea! Congrats on your all your new followers! That's great! Good luck with the changes :)

  2. i just recently got a domain for my blog and i wish i had done it forever ago!! it looks so much more professional when you can tell people your website and drop the @blogspot. plus you get your own email too. i wish i had gotten before when i first started thinking about 'getting serious' about my blog 'cause now i feel like i need to switch everything over to my new email lol!

    plus with blogger you only pay $10 a year which really isn't that much, even if you are...frugal...

  3. What, what? You hosted what? How did you do that? Now I guess we can't be friends cuz... you're now out of my league. I guess I can still put my opinion in although I'm just a "small" blog. I like not having (blogspot) in my address. I originally thought it would be easier for friends and family to find a more direct and shorter address. I'm glad I did it... although I'm always thinking (mostly at 3 in the morning when I can't sleep) about changing my name.

    I used to buy ad space ... cheaper ones .... but I don't think I got many followers from them so I stopped. I wouldn't mind selling ad space ... but you know... I'm still a "small" blog so I don't think many people would want to buy space from me.

    I actually won a blog makeover from Design Space 365. She decided she needed to take a class to get better at design ... then she said she got a job so she couldn't do it and passed me to another "designer". I asked if I could see the new designer's portfolio to get an idea .... she said she'd never done anyone's before.
    I 'm really bummed. I don't know....when I have a giveaway ... I make SURE i deliver. Anyway.... I always have a hard time deciding on what I want. I'm still looking for ideas. Heck ... I may just do it myself ... but I don't think I have enough knowledge to do what I want.

    Congratulations....I'm actually kind of bummed (can't tell huh?) My Etsy Shop is starting to do pretty 10 orders this past weekend ... but my Puppy Photo Party is not getting any more than 10...and I giveaway something from my shop every time. So I don't know.. I guess what do I care if I'm selling some stuff in my shop...but .... sometimes I think about quitting my blog ... I think I'm just spinning my wheels...

    At least I have you.....Hey .... You there ... wake up....I said at least I have you....RIGHT?

    (I wanna do a blog hop.... Do I have to sleep with someone to get that done?) Not necessarily a deal breaker ... just sayn'

  4. Me again.... Sorry I run're sleeping again. And I need to get your opinion on my Olympic medal winner...

  5. Only recently did I start putting buttons up (I have yours up, too! trade?)

    As for your questions, I like the idea of the site address, but personally I prefer blogspot part in my url, just because I know ppl are in the GFC network and it's easier for me to follow them, or vise versa.

    Ads: I recommend you try selling the space, since you do have a large audience, but I personally do mine just for fun.

    Design: I like the idea, but I know
    just recently got a new look and linked to her web desinger's page. Maybe if you are considering it, you can go check out the prices first. =) Hope this helps.

  6. I do pay someone to do my blog. Not much. Actually she's my niece and does it for free! I would love to know how to do it. Congratulations on all your new followers - me being one of them! I have a new link up going on today at my blog The Sunshine Project. CHeck it out if your have time. Have a good day!

  7. The lady I paid to design my blog was very helpful and very reasonable. She blogs at I have yet to start any type of button swap/advertising. I hope to in the near future, though. :)

  8. If you go to a custom domain, you would still be hosted through Blogger, so everything with GFC would remain the same. I converted from my blogspot URL to a custom URL 6 months ago and have had no problems. In fact, if you search my old URL with blogspot in it, you'll still come up with my blog. I didn't lose anyone. In fact, I don't think anyone really noticed, it's just shorter and more professional. Go for it!

    I off both paid ads spots and ad swaps on my blog, using Passionfruit. I have yet to sell a space, but I must say that Passionfruit makes it much, much easier to do swaps. Unfortunately, I think my blog is too niche and too small for anyone to pay for space. Someday...maybe.

  9. Congrats, girl! I think changing your blog is important. Any change is I'm glad that you are open to change. Here is my 2 cents.

    Yes, yes, taking away blogspot. I don't know a lot of SEO, but I know your SEO will increase tremendously by taking away (dot)blogspot. You are not going to fail by taking away blogspot, because people who is still typing in blogspot in your URL will still be redirected to your new URL anyway. So, you won't be losing your avid readers.

    Ad space/button swap: This is 100% up to you. Some bloggers are firmly against ADs. Myself, I do have ADs. I don't make a lot of money on it whatsoever. I've never thought about button swaps.

    You'll be surprise how cheap blog design can be when you search on Etsy. It's hard finding a good deal, but I've seen a couple from Etsy. You just gotta take the time to find them. My other blogging friends have use services like ThemeForest (super reasonable) and DiyThemes (kinda pricey, but worth it). I would even go as far as emailing graphic design students. You could get free services and the graphic designer student can add your website in their portfolio. Since we live online, you could email any student, not just in Guam. just an idea.

  10. I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award (which is really just a blog chain letter, but it's fun) - for more information visit -

  11. congrats on the huge jump in followers! i used to have the time to write out code from scratch to customize my blogs but no longer have the time and a lot has changed since those days that i'd have to learn everything over.

    i turned my wedding blogspot address into a domain i purchased through google during the planning process. it was nice a convenient for our guests to use and very affordable. as long as you can be happy with your blog address for a longer term, you should go for it! =)

  12. Hellooooo! :D

    I think changing your domain would make it sound better, I have thought about changing mine, but no idea how you can get it done, and I haven't been bothered much about it.

    I'm impressed with the amount of followers you have now, how do you do you it?? :)

    About the design of my blog, I have not purchased anything, I think it's all about creativity and learn the right tools! but getting that done it's definitely time saving, I had spent many many hours working on mine, and try to get it exactly the way I want it xx

  13. I have the same problem with the domain. My friends/family don't read my blog and I don't know if I would want it permanent for fear of not being able to change it!

    I agree with the Advertising thing, I don't really think it is worth spending your money on to be honest, unless they have like 30,000 followers like A Cup of JO

    Are you familiar at all with webdesign? You can download programs and just kind of teach yourself through trial and error. I do everything on my blog by myself, all the design and html/javascript/css and I don't mind helping others with some pointers! People ask me all the time actually. I am not more then an amateur but I know some stuff.

  14. We're frugal at times! :)

    I do blog design services, (I also have a small portfolio if you're interested to see past projects) Just fyi!

    Hope you're having a great day!


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