Sunday, October 14, 2012

DIY Halloween Costume: Playful Panda

Yikes!  Okay, so I didn't have time on Friday to post it but just so you know I haven't forgotten, here it is!

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.  I love being able to dress up and get hopped up on sugar all night.  I used to dress up every Halloween and loved to be able to get creative with my costumes by DIY'ing a few things.

This year, since I'm unemployed (still) I don't really have the luxury to go all out and splurge on a costume.  So I've decided to put together a costume using some basic things that I already have.

The basics of this costume are the panda hood (of course), a black tutu skirt, and a black (or white) camisole.  Cut and attach some white fur to the front of your black cami to get the full effect of a panda.  Or, if using a white cami, you could also use black fingerless gloves (or socks) on your arms.

The other pieces in this ensemble are optional.  I prefer to use white leggings and black leg warmers under the tutu, but you could use black stockings, black boots, etc.

Since we're going for a cute panda look, stick with a basic black smokey eye and a bold red lip.  Don't forget to add a little black on your nose to get the full panda effect!

Hope you liked this little DIY Costume!  I'll be putting together another one for you next week so stay tuned!

♥ Duckie.


  1. That's too cute! I love that costume, the playful panda. HOnestly, I don't think I've ever seen a person dress up as a panda, let alone a cute panda costume.

    I can't wait to see the next costume idea you got.

  2. Soooo cute! I'm lovin' this!
    xo Heather

  3. That's so cute!! We don't really go trick or treating in the UK, but I wish someone would throw a party so I can do my best cute Panda impression! :-)

    Vanessa x

  4. Hey! This is so cute!:)
    I love the your blog design. How did you made that thing on the left which says
    about, sponsor, contact etc. ? It's awesome! :)

  5. So adorable!! :) Truly love the idea of being a panda for a night


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