Wednesday, January 2, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday: Coral Chaos

Whoop whoop!

It's Wednesday!

I stayed up until about 2am this morning because Trace couldn't sleep so today was a shorts and slippers kinda day for me.

Necklace: Gifted {old}  //  Shirt: Forever21  //  Shorts:  Volcom Frochickie in Hot Coral

Yes, I'm totally hiding behind the camera today because I have no makeup on and all 2013 has done for me so far is made me break out.  Boo.  I'm thinking it's due to the excessive amounts of food I've been shoving down my throat and the lack of sleep over the past few days.

And yeah, my room's kind of a mess right now with clothes and shoes everywhere PLUS the kids' new Christmas toys all over the house.

I'm really not in such a rush to clean right now because of this:

This, my friends, is what a box of happiness looks like.

And this is what happiness looks like when you take it out of the box:

This was part of my Christmas present from my mommy dearest.  I got a mini shopping spree on Coastal Scents and I'm so excited that it finally came in!

Stay tuned for more hauls, reviews, tutorials, and maybe some giveaways coming up!

♥ Duckie.


  1. Love the outfit. I love that color. What an awesome box that is !!!

  2. I love your outfit, oh and I get my palettes from coastal scents, too! that was one cool haul! Marie of

  3. Cute sweater! Looks like a comfy day. Have fun with you box of goodies! :)

  4. cute! i've never been able to pull off that color. love it, though!

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