Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Makeup Monday: What's in my makeup bag?

Another weekend has come and gone.  So yup, that means its Monday again!  Boo.

So because I was busy relaxing and cleaning all weekend, I didn't have time to do KLee's tag videos yet (I know, you can scold me!) but I thought I'd do a tag of my own today.

Everyone does the "What's In My Bag?" tag but since I'm a purse hoarder, I change bags every week so it's not all that interesting to go through a bag that doesn't really have much in it, right?  Anyway, so I thought I'd do a "What's In My Makeup Bag?" tag because I literally stuff as much as I can into that little thing just in case I have a face emergency.  Lol.

So yup, that's my makeup bag right there along with all the junk I cram into it.  It's a pretty standard sized makeup bag I think.  I actually permanently borrowed it from Joey's niece a while back because my old makeup bag was getting to be too small.

Always gotta  have a pair of tweezers on me at all times.  That should be a standard item in everyone's makeup bag.  Mineral powder, blush, and random eye shadows also clutter my makeup bag.  The little cylinder with the black cover?  That's my MAC Fluidline: Blacktrack.  You should know by now that I use it every day.  See, here and here.  Also carrying my MAC See Sheer, Viva Glam Gaga, and Viva Glam VI along with my MAC eyelash curler.

Of course, my Maybelline Falsies Flared is carried with me at all times.  And I basically throw every single eye/lip liner I have into this little bag of mine even though I don't really use any of them at all.  Oh, and can't forget about my makeup brushes.  I keep the foundation/concealer brushes at home and only carry my powder and eyeshadow brushes with me.  And I know I've never posted about this product before, but I have been using this thing for years now and it is awesome:  Too Faced Shadow Insurance.  It's basically an eye shadow primer.  It has a nude tint to it so it blends well with every color.  Clear Eyes?  No, I'm not a pot head.  I use eye drops when I foil my eye shadows.  And don't ask me why there's an Oriental Tradings gift card in my makeup bag - I don't have an answer for you.

Yeah, this isn't really a part of my makeup bag, but I do carry it around with me all the time - just in case.  This is just one of the three MAC palettes I have.  I went on a de-potting frenzy one night a few years ago and de-potted all the eye shadows I had at that time.  My palettes used to be organized and labeled, but I switched the colors a lot and the girls got into them so they're all kind of a mess right now.

So there you have it.  The contents of my makeup bag all laid out on my desk for you.  Maybe one day (you know, when I actually get around to organizing it) I'll show you my entire makeup collection.  Maybe.

Hope you enjoyed digging through my makeup bag!  And before I forget, I'm tagging ALL of you to do this.  Most especially (because I'm dying to see what they've got) KLee, Jen, Eden, Steph, Sarah, Megs, Val, and Nicole.  Can't wait to see what you ladies got stashed in those makeup bags!

Have a marvelous Monday and yeah I know I'm late on posting this...but oh well.  Tasty Tuesday's post will be up in a few!

♥ Duckie


  1. Thanks for the tag, love! I absolutely love your collection of makeup must-haves! Big fan of the blush :) Will be doing this!!! Although, I have a hard act to follow ;) xo, Megs


  2. You got some nerve, Missy! I mean, Duckie! tagged me before you do any of my tags...puh...and all you have to do is push record! lol. I'll get on it soon...im sure ill do your tag before you even do mine. love you twin... like a whale needing a blowhole...bahahahahha. oh wait, can they live without it? hum...its Google time!.



    1. Lol. I know! I was nervous after I posted this because I KNEW you would call me out on not doing yours yet. Haha. But trust me I've been working on it! I've recorded it like a billion times but I'm not happy with it yet. But I WILL have it up this weekend. I've vowed to myself to have it up by this weekend whether I like it or not.

  3. Thanks for the tag girl :) I'll be sure to get mine all together for a post!

  4. Yay! A new tag :) I will do this right after my accounting exam is over!

    1. Looking forward to it! And good luck on your exam!

  5. thats a great collection! :) what highlighters do you recommend for the summer!?

    1. Thanks Halle! I think that a rose-gold highlighter is the best choice for summer. It gives you that summer glow without over doing it.

  6. "just in case i have a face emergency" lol!

    SOOOooOOoOOoO true! I used to be that way but I can't stand lugging so much stuff around anymore!

    raising roscoe

    1. Yeah, I think I need to downsize my makeup bag. I'm one of those Mary Poppins girls that carry EVERYTHING.

  7. How fun!! I cant wait!!!
    I love your finds and I'm super excited to dig through my makeup bag to see what I can find.

    Thank you so much again for connecting me to Stephanie's blog. That's one of the best things about blogging is connecting with people on a personal level.

    Thank you for thinking of me and My Post will be up by this weekend <3 Have a beautiful day





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